Intuitive Summer Insights From Jen đź’—

Welcome to your Intuitive Message for July 2022.

When I pull cards, I hold an intention and a space that anybody who watches this video or who listens to this audio is meant to receive the messages.

I hold an open heart and I create open space for everybody, for each individual unique journey, to have some form of powerful intention and anchoring within the messaging that is being shared with you today.

The foundational card here is “Friendship and Union”.

This can represent any relationship in your life. This could be with your significant other, a friend or family member. There is some prominence to this relationship, as it's serving you at this time in your life. There are things that are coming up within this particular relationship.

It might feel heavy right now, or potentially negative in some circumstance of what's showing up between the bond between you and this other person, perhaps there's some disagreements perhaps there's some conflict things that are arising that might feel a little bit uncomfortable or wonky. I just want you to know right now that it's powerful that these are coming up for you right now, because it's an opportunity for you to heal parts and aspects of yourself that may have been pushed down for a significant period of time.

It's an opportunity for you both to look at how you come together and what is creating resistance between you both. A very positive, powerful, transformative opportunity for you to heal aspects within yourself and also aspects within this relationship. And I don't sense that this is about ending this relationship.

It feels more like looking at the parts or aspects that aren't working and how you can clear that, how you can shift that.

That takes us to our second card, which is “Clear, Cancel, and Release”.

You are being guided to clear out any negativity and release old ideas & negative thought patterns within this relationship. It feels like a reflection of these things are coming up within yourself, and this other person is reflecting it back at you. This is about you coming back and looking at yourself and asking what it is that you need to create a safe space for yourself to allow yourself to heal.

There's an invitation to do this inner work, and you're being guided to clear, cancel and release anything that doesn't serve you anymore.

Anything that you are kind of fed up about that you, it's almost like you've hit a certain point where it's like it's past its threshold, and you're just telling yourself, like, something needs to change here. This is your sign. This is permission for you that you are ready to do this.

This is coming up to the surface so that you can clear it so that you can clear whatever needs to, for you to claim inner peace.

It’s important for you to also create a safe space for yourself to be able to heal. I sense that there's a great deal of self-compassion that needs to happen. You've been really hard on yourself. I sense shame and an inner heaviness directed within. I feel like that's the first step is just being gentle with yourself and knowing that this isn't about you being perfect, that you are human and that it is okay for these things to come up.

The first step is self compassion and having love for yourself and being super gentle with yourself.

The second step is asking yourself, what is a non-negotiable in my life?

What needs to shift and looking at your own behaviors, because it's your own behaviors that are going to shift this relationship.

I sense that this is also about how the other person is acting and their behavior and how you are not okay with this behavior, but when you continue to focus on, oh, they need to change this, they need to do this, they need to do this. It takes away your power. It's knowing that you bringing your energy back within yourself and focusing on what you need to change. It also gives the other person space and the ability to work on themselves as well.

So for the remaining part of the summer months, this is an invitation for everything to kind of come out in the open here.

This is a great opportunity for you to heal.

Instead of closing up and feeling bad about the situation and you know, how things have come to be, it's looking at it from a much more powerful, empowering perspective, and moving from the victim mentality to a leader mentality and asking yourself..

What can I do to take ownership in my healing process?

How can I create self-accountability in my relationships?

How does this intuitive message relate to your life right now? Send me a reply, I would love to hear from you!


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