Develop Your Intuition


Connecting with your intuitive voice can be tricky when you are not attuned to how it works. It’s very different from how we think and process information. We all have the ability to use this sense, it just takes practice like a muscle being strengthened.

Intuition is about feeling over thinking, and I don’t specifically mean emotionally. Our inner voice sits in our body, and with mindful presence we can connect to it easily. You build awareness around the subtle senses, and the overall feeling of simply “knowing” without explanation. Intuition flows. The more present you are, the deeper your sense becomes.

As you develop trust in your intuition, your instincts become stronger to decipher between fear/ego & your heart voice 💗You begin to make decisions that align to your truth, as oppose to what is certain/safe from a logical stand point. 

Can you think of a time when you were aligned to your intuition? How would you describe it?


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