Create A Routine Reset During A Season Change

The transition of seasons is an opportunity to reset your routine, take a pause to reflect on the months that have passed and to tune in on where you’re feeling guided to channel your energy next.

Life is always moving, shifting and changing. Nothing remains the same, including our own selves. It is crucial to have these regular check-ins to course correct as needed.

A change of season is the perfect time to do this.

The transition from summer to fall acts like an invitation to slow down. It’s easier to justify staying inside curled up with a book in front of the fireplace during the fall & winter months than it is in the summertime. Summer is beautiful in its own ways, but the energy of its experience is very different in comparison to the colder months.

It can be easy to resist the shorter days and frigid temperatures, spending months counting down the days until spring begins. This mindset can make for a long six miserable months. Instead, what if you utilized this time to reconnect to self and find the gifts and beauty in nature’s changes?

Here are 5 simple ways that you can reset your routine as you settle into the darker, colder days ahead.

1. Create A Cozy Ambiance With Lo-Fi Beats

It’s taken me a long time to find just the right style of music to play at home. I love lo-fi for it’s gentleness, and a simple way to add a warmth to your space. Here’s a playlist I love, and you can find so many more lo-fi styles depending on your mood.

2. Add More Space

Give yourself extra time during this transition for reflection and breathing space from the busy summer months. Book an extra few days off, plan ahead in your calendar where you don’t have anything planned. You don’t have to book an extended vacation to feel a difference, simply a few extra days here and there can make a world of difference.

In addition to a spring clean, why not do a declutter in the fall before the cold sets in?

This includes going through your closet to clear out anything you no longer wear, and putting away summer clothes in storage so it leaves space just for what you need so you can see what you have. Cleaning up the yard & garage, and purging anything in your living spaces that have been collecting dust.

Usually around this time, I also like to prune my indoor plants and repot them with fresh soil.

3. Warming Drinks & Home-Cooked Meals

During this time of the year, I enjoy shifting food options to those that are more warming & comforting.

Begin your mornings with warm lemon water.

Soups, stews, warm oatmeal and casseroles with lots of cooked vegetables become daily staples. I don’t do as many smoothies and cold salads as my body is usually craving something warm.

I also love to enhance my coffee and tea routine, with natural flavours of pumpkin spice, cinnamon and ginger. Throughout the day, I love sipping hot water or herbal tea to keep my body hydrated.

4. Outdoor Strolls In Nature

Strolls in nature

No matter what the weather is like, I maintain a daily outdoor walking routine with our two dogs. They wouldn’t let me skip a day anyway. In order to enjoy this experience fully, it’s crucial to dress for comfort with clothing that will keep you warm. Over the years, I have mastered this.

I always start with my thermal leggings & long sleeve, merino wool socks and Blundstone boots with warm insoles. Depending on the temperatures will determine what goes over top, but these are the main pieces that keep me comfortable.

It can be a challenge to feel motivated enough to get out the door, but once you do I can assure you that it actually feels refreshing to get your body moving and to feel the fresh air.

5. Find The Magic In Your Routine

You don’t always have to make extravagant life changes to feel the positive effects of a reset.

It can be as simple as choosing to be more present within your current routines.

How do you do this?

By slowing down and allowing yourself to be in the present moment, finding meaning in the “mundane” through gratitude and small moments throughout the day where you get to just be..

Brewing a hot coffee.

Listening to gentle music while reading a book.

Indulging in a nurturing new recipe with your family.

Walking outside among the trees while the leaves or snow fall.

A warm bath with lavender oil.

A cozy sweater, slippers that hug your feet, or a heating blanket.

The opportunity for a nap.

Meaningful conversations around a fire.

You can find magic in your everyday experiences through a simple shift in your mindset.

You don’t have to wait for the big moments to do this.

What is your experience transitioning with the seasons. Is it pleasant or do you find yourself resisting it until the next season comes around? In what ways can you transform this?

I’d love to hear in the comments 💗


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